2-1-1 Connects Alabama

How Can 2-1-1 Help You? It’s Easy, Call 2-1-1 or 1-888-421-1266. United Way’s 2-1-1 Information and Referral Line is an easy-to-remember telephone number that connects people with community services to meet a wide variety of needs.  By dialing 2-1-1 you are connected to a specialist who can link you to the right service using a comprehensive database of services. It is a free and confidential information and referral service.  Click here for more information on 2-1-1 Services.

CALL 211 OR GO ON-LINE TO FIND RESOURCE DIRECTORY OR DOWNLOAD THE FREE 2-1-1 App on your smart phone.  You can find more than 800 community resources to help you, your children and your family. 

Basic Human Needs: call 2-1-1 to find resources for food, clothing, shelter, rent and utility assistance. We have access to translators in multiple languages.

  • Physical &  Mental Health: get help with Medicaid & Medicare, health intervention services, support groups, counseling, drug and alcohol intervention, victims services and substance abuse rehabilitation.

  • Employment Support: get information on the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC),  job training, transportation assistance and education programs for job skills.

  • Support for Elderly: find resources for adult day care, respite care, home health care and transportation for individuals with disabilities

  • Support for Children, Youth and Families: get information on advocacy, child care, after-school programs, family resource centers, mentoring tutoring and protective services.

  • Financial Stability: find help for immediate financial issues such as home foreclosure prevention, income tax preparation, debt management and financial coaching.

  • In Times of Disaster: call for immediate assistance during disaster, such as a tornado. 2-1-1 specialists link callers to:

    • Emergency Shelters

    • Food Distribution Centers

    • Water, Ice and Food

    • State and Federal Assistance Grief Counseling

    • Help locating family members

    • Clean – up Crews

    • Water, Ice Food

    • Emergency Financial Assistance

NEW! 2-1-1 Phone App
Download the free 2-1-1 App on your smart phone or tablet device and have more than 800 community resources at your finger tips. You can search by topic, geographic area or agency.  Download the App by searching Alabama 211.

2018 County Data Profiles from kids count