Children’s Policy Councils - Working Together to Help Children Thrive in Alabama


Complete your 2024 Needs Assessment and Erin’s Law Report



“Breaking Barriers Together to Shape The Future of Alabama’s Children”

July 30, 2024


Children’s Policy Councils of Alabama


2023 Needs Assessments by County

Each year, the Department of Early Childhood Education works with all sixty-seven of Alabama's CPCs to complete a Needs Assessment. Once the needs are identified and action plans are made, the real work begins. The Needs Assessment process follows a pattern that allows the counties to make a real difference in the lives of their children. Because a year is not enough time to effect the changes desired, the Needs Assessment is conducted every three years, with updates being completed in the two intervening years. The 2014 Alabama CPC Needs Assessment reflects the third update year of this three year cycle. It highlights the efforts at the county level to insure that children and families have access to needed services and programs. As action plans are put into place and modified to reflect the accomplishments already achieved, more work than ever is being done to impact Alabama's children in positive ways.

Visit 2023 Needs Assessments By County →


Alabama Family Central

Alabama Family Central has been a goal for several years from the creation of the Department of Children’s Affairs in 2001 through the priorities of the Governor’s Children’s Cabinet in recent years. As a single platform for families to access services and programs, its purpose is to help families easily navigate and find links to supports they need.

State agency partners include Departments of Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Early Childhood Education, Education, Human Resources, Medicaid, Mental Health, Public Health, Rehabilitation Services/Early Intervention, with support from the Office of Information Technology.

A steering committee has guided the development and will oversee the administration of the website. The Alabama Partnership for Children, a statewide public/private partnership, manages the project.

Visit Alabama Family Central Website →

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Did you miss the 2023 Children’s Policy Council Conference? Watch below.



Children’s Policy Council Calendar

The Children’s Policy Council Calendar houses all things CPC related. Find out when your local CPC will meet, Grant deadlines, State CPC meetings and CPC Conference date.


The Campaign for Grade Level Reading focuses on priorities; birth to eight, health and well-being, family engagement, special education, English language learners, struggling readers and learning outside the classroom populations. The pilot work will consist of evaluating needs, data, existing resources, barriers and creating a literacy plan of improvement specific to the community.



Want to know what is happening around the state of Alabama that might involve you or your community? Click “Read More” to find out the latest Announcements from the Children’s Policy Council of Alabama.

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CPC Highlights

All of our Children’s Policy Council’s do excellent work, but sometimes CPC’s go above and beyond the call of duty. We love to highlight the work each of you are doing in your respected community to improve the lives of children across the state of Alabama.

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“Every child deserves a champion: an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists they become the best they can possibly be.”

- Rita Pierson, Educator