Children’s Policy Council Highlights
Your commitment to going above and beyond is commendable. Your hard work is recognized and valued.

Greene County Children’s Policy Council Hosts Local Author
The Greene County Children’s Policy Council sponsored local author Jocelyn Steele at Robert Brown Middle School on October 24, 2024. Mrs. Steel, a native of Greene County is the author of “The Square Nose Pig.” Mrs. Steele read to the six grade students at the school. According to Judge Jones-Osborne all six grade students were given a free copy of the book. Judge Jones-Osborne also stated that this program was a part of the Council’s Read Greene Read initiative.

Chambers County CPC
Congratulations to the Chambers County CPC. The Circle of Care launched its partnership with the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. Please click on the link to see the article published in the Valley Times-News.
Perry County CPC
Perry County CPC co-sponsors Autism Awareness event, providing sensory bags, books and other resources.
Lowndes County CPC - Sheriff John Williams Memorial Scholarship
On May 8, 2024, the Lowndes County Children’s Policy Council awarded our 4th annual Sheriff John Williams Memorial Scholarship to several Lowndes County students. The Scholarship was initiated in 2020 to honor the memory of Lowndes County Sheriff “Big John” Williams. Thanks to the generosity of scholarship donors, we were able to award $8,000 in scholarships to four graduating seniors from Central High School, Calhoun High School and Lowndes Academy. Additionally, for the first time we were able to award two $1,000 scholarships to past recipients who are still in college pursuing their degree. The recipients of $2,000 scholarships are Ja’Tyus Axel, Albert “Gus” Ashley, III, Jaderian Bell, and Coleeta Pugh. The recipients of $1,000 scholarships are Damaria Johnson and LaDerrien McCall. The scholarship checks will be submitted directly to the schools they will be attending this fall or that they are currently attending. The Lowndes County Children’s Policy Council has awarded a total of $28,000 in scholarships over the past four years.
Clay County CPC - Introduces Short the Squirrel
The Clay County CPC was excited to introduce Short the Squirrel and our own Hearts and Minds program to one of our K-3rd grade schools this week. This program will be presented to all of our Private/Public and Homeschool children. This was made possible with a grant we received for Drug Prevention initiatives. We can be found on Facebook @claycpc
first annual Sheriff John Williams Memorial Scholarship awarded
This afternoon the Lowndes County Children’s Policy Council was pleased to award the first annual Sheriff John Williams Memorial Scholarship to three outstanding Lowndes County seniors. Our recipients are Chasity Talley from The Calhoun High School, Jonathan Gary from Central High School and Jake Hooper from Lowndes Academy. Chasity plans to attend Tuskegee University this fall and study veterinary medicine. Jonathan plans to attend UAB and study computer programming and software design. Jake plans to attend Marion Military Institute with the goal of attending the United States Air Force Academy. Each student received a $2,000.00 scholarship as well as a gift basket from the members of the Children’s Policy Council, local attorneys and courthouse staff. The scholarship was made possible by the generous donations of the Lowndes County Commission, Lowndes County Farmers Federation, Apartment Services and Management, Inc., 4/5 Riders Motorcycle Club and numerous other individuals to the Lowndes County Partnership for Children, which is the 501(c)(3) non-profit for the Lowndes County Children’s Policy Council.

Sumter County CPC - Children of the Village Network Inc.
COTV Summer Literacy Bundle - COTV donated book bags to Livingston Jr. High, and York West End Jr. High School Pre-K students. COTV volunteer Tajuana Gowdy (Sumter County DHR) entertained the kids with reading, and a wagon filled with educational resouces for the Summer. Smilling faces, and joy filled the Pre-K classrooms during COTV reading session/distrbution. Each student received a book bag filled with dental care items/education, art supplies, books, snack bags, and kid friendly incentives.
Jefferson County CPC - New Book Vending Machine
Congratulations to the Jefferson County CPC on their ribbon cutting for their new Book Vending Machine located in the Bessemer Family Court Annex. This is the second Book Vending Machine for Jefferson County. Thank you, Shelly Mize and the Jefferson County CPC Cooperative, for your hard work and dedication to this project!!! Please see a video of the ribbon cutting below.

Children of the Village Network - Sumter County CPC - Participates in Read Across America
Children of the Village Network, Inc. Mobile Unit delivered books, art supplies, and snacks to approximately 190 students in Sumter County during Read Across America.
Sumter County CPC - Set Up Book Display for Children Attending Court
COTV set up a table to display free books, coloring books, and dental care items for parents attending court. Parents can make their own selections with no one to pressure them. Every month the the table is filled with new books and other items.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead