Welcome to the 2020 Children’s Policy Council Virtual Conference
Thursday, October 29, 2020
9:30am - 2:30pm
All CEU’s have been emailed to the email in which you registered with. If you have not received your CEU, please check your junk folder in your inbox. for any more questions, please email cpc@alabamachildrenfirst.com
Conference Information
Congratulations Barbour County CPC!
Congratulations Cherokee County CPC!
Congratulations Sumter County CPC!
Helpful Resources:
Judge Graham:
Alabama Power Foundation, Tequila Smith
Presenters presentations will be available soon!
Important Information about CEU’s
CEU’s Offered:
Continuing Legal Credit (4.5 hours)
JPO (4.5 hours)
Nursing (4.5 hours)
Social Work (4.5 hours)
Certificate of Attendance (4.5 hours)
Please Read Regarding CEU Certificates:
All Conference CEU’s will be sent to the e-mail that was used while completing registration. This year, we are trying a new approach that we call “Fillable CEU’s”. You will receive the CEU via e-mail and then be able to input your personal information and license number. All conference information will already be inputted.
In effort to make sure all credit we are administering is valid, we will be sending each CEU granting organization a list of attendees once the conference has been completed. If you are pre-registered and do not attend the conference, please know that you will not receive CEU credit. If you attend the conference last minute, please register above, so that you will receive all CEU credit. Also, please note that if you leave the conference early, you will not receive credit for the sessions missed. The CEU’s have only been approved to be received for those attending the conference on October 29, 2020. Although sessions will be available for replay, but they will not be available for CEU credit.